Friday, July 8, 2011

PorkSlap Pale Ale: Farmhouse Ale

For awhile now, there has been a slowly growing trend among some small brewers...cans.  Yes, I know you can get the big macro-brews in cans, so what's the big deal?  Well, that's just it.  Cans had always been for the big boys.  Bottles signified higher-class beer.  Crappy beer comes in cans, right?  Right?  Not anymore!

There are quite a few beers out there now in cans.  Today I'm introducing you to PorkSlap Pale Ale from Butternuts Beer & Ale.  I admit it, I'm a sucker for marketing.  Look at the can and say the name.  I saw it at The Drinkery in Londonderry, NH and just had to get it.  Various friends had mentioned it in the past as well, so it was time for me to give it a try.

PorkSlap pours a gorgeous amber color.  The soft white head disappeared almost as quickly as it showed up.  And then I smelled it.  Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad smelled just fine.  I just couldn't identify what it smelled like.  So I tasted it.  Nope, still couldn't identify the smell or taste.  I admit it, I had to look this one up.  Ginger!  OK, it all makes sense now.  This actually isn't the first pale ale with ginger I've had.  It lends a nice, refreshing crispness to the beer, as well as an unexpected taste.   As for the hops, this is pretty standard for a pale ale.  The hops are there, but they're not overpowering. 

So, what do I think of this beer?  It's interesting.  It seems like it would be great on a hot summer day.  I won't lie.  It's not very high up on my list of pale ales.  That being said though, the novelty of the can with the pigs and the ginger in the beer make this one worth trying.  Who knows, you might absolutely love it!  As for me, I'm giving it a B-.


  1. Their "Moo Thunder Stout" is much better.

  2. I was grateful for decent beer in cans recently. I went to see the ALMS race at Lime Rock and they have a 'no glass' policy in the campsite. I didn't fancy drinking Bud or Coors all weekend, so I was very pleased to find Harpoon Summer and Magic Hat #9 in tins at River St Whole Foods, just across the road from my new office.
    Still not sure about the metallic effect of drinking from tins, but at least the ale was good.

  3. Nice, had no clue those guys were playing with cans too. The best canned beer I've had to this point was a shockingly good Imperial IPA from Oskar Blues called Gubna. I was blown away! I haven't had enough to tell whether I think cans are better or worse for the taste, but if Harpoon and Magic Hat are doing it, I may need to do a side by side taste test at some point.

  4. I will keep my eyes open for it! Do we know each other Vague, or has the blog actually found its way to the outside world?
